Preparing for the birth: what choices, what influences?

The period surrounding the birth of a child is a particularly significant event in people’s lives ("the happiest day" of their lives). But under what conditions does it take place?

Nathalie Oria (Prag, Université de Cergy-Pointoise) and Jérôme Camus (Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Université de Tours) present their work on preparing future parents for birth. How are parents influenced in the way they prepare for the birth of their future child (mother’s age for the 1st child, choice of first name, knowledge of gender, medical advice, etc.)? [VIDEO BELOW FR]

In the context of personal and family intimacy, having a child involves adopting ways of being a parent, by asking oneself, for example, at what age to have a child, who will choose its first name, or whether to take part in birth preparation sessions.

However, Elfe data show that these "choices" are governed by norms that circumscribe majority behaviours, and that they are adopted in variable ways depending on social background. While the institutional organization of childbirth and, in particular, the rhetoric promoting individual responsibility and fulfillment influence parenting styles, the fact remains that people adhere to them in very different ways, depending on their social characteristics.

More information

Camus Jérôme, Nathalie Oria., « Se préparer à la naissance : entre normes sociales et variations familiales », Journée scientifique de l’étude Elfe, Aubervilliers, Friday, July 2, 2021