Early prenatal interview and antenatal education

The early prenatal interview (EPI) serves to identify the mental and physical health needs of couples and gauge their social environment during the perinatal period. The childbirth and parenting programme (BPP) provides health education

Among the Elfe mothers, 33% had had an EPI and 52% had attended a BPP. Mothers who were expecting their first child, were born in France, had a high education level, or were in employment benefitted more often from an EPI and/or BPP, as did those who stated they had psychological problems. BPP attendance was lower among mothers who were young, had universal health coverage, ambivalent feelings towards their pregnancy, fewer than seven prenatal visits, or obstetric complications.

At present, the EPI and BPP mainly benefit populations with a higher socioeconomic status. They therefore need to be included in a system of prevention and broader healthcare in order to reach the most vulnerable populations and improve the social and psychological environment of all women during the perinatal period.

More information

More information

Barandon S., Balès M., Melchior M., Glangeaud-Freudenthal N., Pambrun E., Bois C., Verdoux H., Sutter-Dally A.-L., “Entretien prénatal précoce et séances de préparation à la naissance et à la parentalité: caractéristiques psychosociales et obstétricales associées chez les femmes de la cohorte Elfe”, Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et de Biologie de la Reproduction, August 2015. [Link]