BCG vaccination before 3 months

In line with recommendations, vaccine coverage is higher in Île-de-France (59.5%) than among at-risk children living outside this region (46.7%). Where both parents come from a country with a high rate of TB, coverage is 80.5% for children under 3 months in Île-de-France and 60.4% elsewhere.

All other things being equal, vaccination is also more frequent among children who are followed by a paediatrician or in a mother-and-child healthcare centre.

More information

More information

Guthmann J-P., Ragot M., Ben Boutieb M., Bois C., Dufourg M-N., Levy Bruhl D., “Couverture vaccinale et déterminants socioéconomiques de la vaccination BCG chez l’enfant avant 3 mois: résultats de la cohorte Elfe, 2011”, Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, volume 64, no. 4, September 2016. [Link]